If your goal is weight loss or fat loss, you might know that what matters is 75% diet, and 25% exercise. This six-week challenge is made specially for those who are ready and willing to make changes to their nutrition and lifestyle habits. A large part of change is psychological; and you will have to be mentally ready to put in work to effect positive changes to your life, that are sustainable and long-term. 


Unlike other programmes, there will be no unrealistic meal plans, or fixed diet for you to adhere to. We will be working on your mindset and empowering you with nutritional knowledge, so you can make the right choices for yourself. There will be a daily lesson delivered to you on the app, with check-ins and a private Facebook community where we can discuss ideas, motivations and overcome difficulties together.


All it takes is six weeks, to change your life for good.

Clean and Lean Challenge

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